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10月. 26, 2022

Past mentors inspire Greens to create scholarship for students aspiring to work in law enforcement

Throughout their long affiliation with 和记棋牌娱乐 and the Maryville community, Clarence and Chelli Green haven’t often viewed themselves as leaders. 这种情况正在改变, 虽然, as they become more reflective on their professional success and the abilities they have to leave a positive impact on others.

Dr. Clarence and Chelli Green (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://mc9.thebigkahunaspokane.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. Clarence and Chelli Green (图片来源:Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

One way the couple is doing that is by establishing The Green Family Scholarship through a recent $28,000美元现金礼物 西北的基础. 奖学基金, 哪一个可以接受额外的捐款, 奖学金每年不少于1美元,给和记棋牌娱乐的新生, 二年级的学生, juniors or seniors who indicate an interest in pursuing a law enforcement career. Preference for the scholarships will be given to Black students, particularly females. 

作为一名资深执法人员, Clarence is passionate about supporting individuals who are interested in entering the field and increasing its diversity. He notes data showing that college-educated law enforcement officers 减少市民投诉, are less likely to be terminated for misconduct and are less likely to use force. 同时, law enforcement agencies are being challenged to enhance diversity and increase the number of women in their ranks.

“Policing has been a great profession and is really in need of women and diverse candidates, so I really wanted to put my money where my mouth is to influence folks to make an easier path for them to enter into policing,克拉伦斯说. “我在一个多元化的部门工作过, 我认为获得更好、更丰富的想法非常重要, 与所有人更好地沟通和工作.”

他有近30年的执法经验, Clarence is serving as Northwest’s interim president during the 2022-23 academic year and has served the University in numerous capacities since joining the institution in 1996. Previously, he served as vice president of culture, which has oversight of the 人力资源厅, 制度研究和效率办公室,和 大学警察局自1997年以来,他一直担任该机构的负责人. He also has led Northwest teams responsible for strategic planning and crisis management and served on implementation teams for student success, 包容性卓越与行为干预.

Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林 is serving as Northwest’s interim president during the 2022-23 academic year. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://mc9.thebigkahunaspokane.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林 is serving as Northwest’s interim president during the 2022-23 academic year. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

很长一段时间, 克拉伦斯说, he didn’t see himself as a person who was influential or could inspire others. 随着时间的推移, 虽然, his wealth of experiences in law enforcement and at Northwest – particularly the racial unrest that affected the University and parts of the country during the summer of 2020 after the murder of George Floyd – have changed that.

“I learned that I probably did have influence – after reflecting on it,” Green said. “I would like to inspire people to give to the institution that I know helped them. 它帮助了我和我的家人. If we can inspire folks to give, we can build a lot together as a team.”

类似的, Chelli, 玛丽维尔中学的科学老师, has dedicated herself to sparking students’ interests in learning and bettering themselves.

“I’ve tried to always instill the love of learning and being a lifelong learner in kids,切利说。. “So any way that we can help out students and give them a little extra support so they’re able to do that, 我对此很兴奋.”

The Greens began supporting Northwest early in their careers by gifting small amounts of money. 随着时间的推移,y have increased their gifts to support a variety of causes.

“如果你能给我10美元或20美元, 这就像滚雪球一样,和记棋牌娱乐就是这样开始给予的,克拉伦斯说. “和记棋牌娱乐会尽和记棋牌娱乐所能. 很多时候,和记棋牌娱乐付出的只是和记棋牌娱乐的时间. Then, when we had more resources, we were able to give $10 and $20 and move to $100.”

对切利和克拉伦斯来说, 西北作为他们相遇的地方有着特殊的意义, 获得了大学学位,看着他们的家庭成长. 他们所有的孩子——凯尔茜, 凯莉, 布鲁克林和以利亚还有一个女婿, 亚当·麦克纳里——曾就读于和记棋牌娱乐, 太.

这是格林一家在一场西北橄榄球赛后拍摄的照片. Left to right are Kelsi, Adam McNairy, 凯莉, Chelli, Elijah, Clarence and Brooklyn with Dr. Roger Neustadter, a retired Northwest professor and mentor of Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林. (提交的图)

这是格林一家在一场西北橄榄球赛后拍摄的照片. Left to right are Kelsi, Adam McNairy, 凯莉, Chelli, Elijah, Clarence and Brooklyn with Dr. Roger Neustadter, a retired Northwest professor and mentor of Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林. (提交的图)

切利从塔博尔来到这所大学, 爱荷华州, as an early childhood education major and eventually added majors in elementary education and middle school education with a science education minor, 1993年毕业. She completed a master’s degree at Northwest in science education in 2003.

Clarence graduated from Northwest in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and earned a master’s degree in higher education leadership from Northwest in 2010. He completed a doctorate degree in educational leadership and policy analysis at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2018. 

我在伦敦东区长大. 路易, 伊利诺斯州, Clarence was inspired to follow the path of a family friend who had served as a police chief and had a positive influence on him. 在他生命中有许多影响他的人, Clarence credits former Maryville Public Safety director Keith Wood, 现任警察局长罗恩·克里斯蒂安, Nodaway County Sheriff Randy Strong and longtime Northwest staff member Dr. Bob Bush for mentoring him as a young officer and helping him develop the leadership skills he needed to be successful as a leader.

“他们总是指导我,给我带来好处, 关于如何提高我的技能的可靠信息,克拉伦斯说. “当时我并不知道这是关于成为一名领导者. 我以为你只是想成为一名更好的警察, 但他们真的给了我很好的领导能力.”

同样,切利也很感激已故的博士. 贝蒂布什, a longtime faculty member in Northwest’s teacher preparation program, 是谁培养了她对科学教学的热爱.

“西北一直有家的感觉, 我总是觉得自己像我的教授、导师和导师, Dr. Bush, all truly cared about me as if I were their child,切利说。. “I think that sparked in me wanting to do that for other students because that was done for me at Northwest.”

For more information about The Green Family Scholarship or to make a gift to support Northwest, 联系西北基金会,电话660.562.1248或浏览 mc9.thebigkahunaspokane.com/GiveOnline.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

